Thank you for completing the Hey Mate Well-being Awareness Programme
You’re now part of a network of people equipped with skills to stay aware and alert to your own well-being needs. Here are some key takeaways from the training – we hope you find them helpful!
Well-being Starts With Me and Then US
Forestry workers and personnel will have the tools, skills and confidence to identify, and respond to symptoms of mental health and well-being that impact on work, well-being, work mates, and whanau. The Programme ensures sustainability of the programme by training trainers in regions, and larger companies to continue to deliver the programme and provide support for those that need it.
The Be A Mate Forestry programme will create a national network of support for forestry worker mental health and wellbeing. The positive effects will include reduced absenteeism, increased work output and production, increased health and safety, and a happier workforce.
Be A Mate – Hei Hoa Te Ngāhere is a nationwide mental health and wellbeing programme for people working in the forestry industry. It is designed collaboratively with A-OK New Zealand, a recognised provider of mental health and suicide prevention programmes; and forestry stakeholders, managed and led by people in the industry, looking out for their mates.
Be A Mate
Hei Hoa - Te Ngahere
Well-being Forestry Programme
HeyMate: Providing information about the impact of distress and suicide on organisations and communities within forestry, recognising signs of someone in need, know how to respond safely and where to find existing support services. Suitable for anyone interested in gaining awareness and learning tools respond to their own distress signals.
CoMate: The role of the Connector was established to facilitate initial support. Connectors check in with individuals, connect them to further help, and refer them to Safety Aiders for more comprehensive support. They focus on ensuring the person is coping and then refer them to Safety Aiders who can develop a detailed safety plan for work and home. Focused on increasing and sustaining wellness in your team through check-ins.
HelpMate: HelpMate focus on creating safety plans that help individuals navigate their daily lives without engaging in unsafe coping activities. They are the next step after Connectors and provide crucial support for maintaining safety. Focused on increasing safety and prevention of psychosocial harm.
GrowMate: Supports employees' recovery and return to work after a mental health or suicide experience. After a one-day training, HR managers or staff in pastoral care, supervisory, or wellbeing roles will be equipped to coordinate support for employees returning from suicide or mental distress, as well as for the staff awaiting their return. Focused on returning back to work after a mental health or suicide experience.