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Our Story

Since 2004, our team has delivered Livingworks programmes across Aotearoa, conducting thousands of workshops in various communities, sectors, workplaces, and organisations throughout New Zealand. We began our journey with LIFELINE NZ and, in 2017, transitioned to A-OK NZ to continue delivering Livingworks programmes without government funding.

Despite two years of lockdowns, economic upheaval, and increasing uncertainty, we persevered. In 2022, we remain committed to providing Livingworks programmes independently. To better address the evolving needs of our communities in New Zealand, we have expanded our workshop offerings to cover critical areas such as distress, coping, grief, and key aspects of mental wellbeing, extending our reach to support individuals well before they consider suicide.

Explore our timeline below to follow our journey as a leading provider of Distress Awareness, Mental Wellness, and Suicide Prevention training and licenses.

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Acts of Kindness that build Life-supporting Communities, Workplaces, Organisations, Industries

A-OK.NZ is an NZ provider of quality, internationally recognised training that equips people to be able to have life-supporting conversations.  A-OK NZ has  partnered with internationally and nationally  recognised training providers that care about the mental and emotional safety of our communities.

Our Journey to Promoting Helpers

At A-OK NZ, we have developed 10 programmes that span the mental wellbeing and suicide prevention spectrum, leading to the creation of the role of helpers. Each helper represents different levels of helping capacities within a life-supporting organisation. We encourage individuals to choose the role they are most comfortable with, fostering a life-supporting organisation where everyone supports one another through life-supporting conversations. Together, we create a resilient and supportive community within the workplace.

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Awareness Training: Everyone needs to attend an awareness training, which helps individuals recognize their own distress signals and plan a response. The Scopetalk training complements this by equipping people with knowledge about the mental wellbeing and suicide prevention spectrum. This training addresses common questions about distress and suicide signals and how to respond effectively.

Connectors: The role of the Connector was established to facilitate initial support. Connectors check in with individuals, connect them to further help, and refer them to Safety Aiders for more comprehensive support. They focus on ensuring the person is coping and then refer them to Safety Aiders who can develop a detailed safety plan for work and home.

Safety Aiders: Safety Aiders focus on creating safety plans that help individuals navigate their daily lives without engaging in unsafe coping activities. They are the next step after Connectors and provide crucial support for maintaining safety.

Growers: The Grower role supports individuals returning to work after a mental health experience. Whether it's a clinician, HR manager, health and wellbeing lead, or pastoral care provider, Growers help individuals grow forward from their experiences. They assist in developing recovery and growth frameworks tailored to each person's needs.

Safety Supporters:  Safety Supporters extend the safety net from the workplace to home life. Family and whānau play a crucial role in supporting their loved ones. Organisations should promote this role to staff families, acknowledging their significant responsibilities. Preparing whānau to respond to struggles, understand their limits, and seek help from the workplace and community ensures comprehensive care for both employees and their families.


Our Values

Life-Supporting Conversations: We believe anyone can have life-supporting conversations.

Collaboration: We work together locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. A-OK NZ partners with local communities to find the best solutions tailored to their needs.

Community-Led Solutions: Developing community-led solutions to build life-supporting communities is our priority. We believe these conversations will anchor these efforts.

Cultural and Local Expertise: Our trainers bring a cultural and NZ context to the training, with 10+ years of practical and lived experience.

Safety: We prioritize safety for the person in distress, the helper, and the organisation.

Support for Helpers: We recognize that helpers can absorb emotional distress. Therefore, each helper has a safety plan, is part of a network of other helpers, and is supported by their organisation to provide immediate support within the workplace.

Inclusivity: We ensure that all individuals, regardless of background, feel supported and valued.

Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our programmes based on feedback and new developments in mental health and suicide prevention.

Evidence-Based Practices: Our programmes are grounded in evidence-based practices and research to ensure their effectiveness.

Empowerment: We aim to inspire and equip individuals and communities to take proactive steps in supporting mental wellbeing and suicide prevention.

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